365 Great Children's Books, a new blog

My friend Lauren has come up with an absolutely fantastic blog idea. She's going to post 365 of her favorite books for children, complete with reviews and personal anecdotes about her reading experience. Lauren is only going to share her absolute favorites; She has a cute disclaimer that she won't be posting a book a day but, rather, a total of 365 books over the course of the blog's existence. You'll have a year's worth of books lined up to read when she's done! As a teacher and mother of two, Lauren is providing a valuable resource to families and educators alike. Thank you, Lauren! For her latest reviews, make sure to follow her blog via RSS or Facebook.


  1. Carolyn3/08/2011

    This is AWESOME!!! I've been looking for a site like this. I have been relying on a compilation of random library website recommendations, Amazon suggestions, and even Oprah's suggested reading list. I will bookmark this for sure!!!

  2. Isn't it, though? I am super excited about her endeavor. Lauren is an excellent resource!


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