Craft Saturday!

It was a real cooker here in Philly on Saturday! However, this was nothing that a little ice cream cake from Dairyland, Rita's water ice, Leland Palmers, and crafts couldn't solve. My book club turned dinner & drinks club has now, at least for a day, turned into a craft club. I set up a couple different stations in my dining room: rubber stamps and cards, hand-stitched little felt plush creatures, and make-your-own stencils. For the stencils, we used sheets of Frisket Film, watercolors, and watercolor paper. I bought the stencil paper at Utrecht but I still need to experiment with using regular freezer paper. I am sure it works out to be a little cheaper than the Frisket stuff. Check out our fabulous results (and food)!


  1. I wish I was there! It looks like you guys had so much fun.

  2. I had such a fantastic time--and I have some freshly-framed art hanging in my living room and office!


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